Saturday, October 13, 2012

How to setting values of InfoPath Textbox with jquery/javascript, json.

How to setting values of InfoPath Textbox with jquery/javascript, json.

Put this code in CEWP on a web part page containing an InfoPath Form Web Part.

Set delay, as InfoPath loads asynchronously, so document ready in jquery does not work.

window.onload = function()
    window.setTimeout(readyCall, 1000);

then get reference

  var textBoxEmployeeId = $("#ctl00_m_g_9053a19d_7ea2_49c3_9af1_11ab9e5bbca3_FormControl0_V1_I1_T2");
then call json endpoint

var url = "https://yourserver/endpoint?callback=?";
$.getJSON(url, null, function (data) {

then set focus.  This is VERY import in InfoPath, or else it will not presist or preserve the data


In InfoPath set the postback options of the field to NEVER

This way you can call json, or other web services, and write the values to InfoPath


Unknown said...

1st thing readyCall() is not found error.Then i defined that.
then i got "textBoxEmployeeId undefined error".
I need to set one text value to one control.How to do. Plz help

Jason Wainwright said...

the $("#ctl00_m_g_9053a19d_7ea2_49c3_9af1_11ab9e5bbca3_FormControl0_V1_I1_T2") selector is not found because your selector will be different.

User the web dev tools (usually F12 brings them up) to identify the necessary selector.